Global aging is a phenomenon experienced throughout the world. Research demonstrates an increased incidence of chronic diseases due to global aging in low- and middle-income countries. Before addressing chronic diseases, a platform for change must be created.
A basic review was conducted on successful aging, adaptations to Rowe and Kahn’s model of successful aging, and environmental challenges in low- and middle-income countries.
The successful aging model by Rowe and Kahn includes trajectories based on various biological and environmental components and determines how lifetime experiences contribute to adverse health effects, such as chronic diseases, in aging populations. This model was primarily designed for high-income populations and may not be transferable to populations in low- and middle-income countries. Suggested changes to the current model have been made and include optimal health activities and access to health care, but have not considered environmental contaminants or hazards. A re-adapted model should be encompassing and consider the environment as well as successful aging elements, optimal aging activities, and access to health care.
The overall goal of this commentary is to theoretically propose a novel successful aging model that may be used to target chronic diseases in aging populations in low- and middle-income countries. This model can then be used as a theoretical foundation for health promotion and disease prevention.