This study examined psychometric characteristics of the Diagnostic Analysis of Nonverbal Accuracy—Second Edition (DANVA-2) in 121 children, ages 6 to 13 years, with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder (HFASD). Internal consistency for adult and child faces subtests were .70 and .75, respectively. Immediate test–retest reliability in the total sample (N = 121) ranged from .78 to .84. Reliability for two subsamples for 5- (n = 21) and 12-week (n = 21) intervals ranged from .75 to .90 and from .43 to .68, respectively. DANVA-2 scores strongly converged with two measures of emotion recognition but were unrelated to parent ratings of social functioning and ASD symptoms. Significant correlations (small to medium) were found between DANVA-2 scores and child age, IQ, and language ability.