The aim of this study was to assess internal consistency and construct validity (known-groups validity) and to provide Dutch norm data for the Dutch Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Multidimensional Fatigue Scale for Young Adults ages 18–30 years (PedsQL fatigue_YA).
A Dutch sample of 649 young adults completed online a sociodemographic questionnaire and the PedsQL fatigue_YA including three subscales: general fatigue, sleep/rest fatigue and cognitive fatigue (0–100: Higher scores indicate less fatigue symptoms).
The PedsQL fatigue_YA showed satisfactory to good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = .70–.94), except for one scale (.68). The mean scale scores were 68.23 (SD 19.15) for ‘general fatigue,’ 67.04 (SD 15.54) for ‘sleep/rest fatigue’ and 74.62 (SD 19.02) for ‘cognitive fatigue.’ Men reported significantly higher scores on ‘general fatigue’ and ‘sleep/rest fatigue’ than women. The PedsQL fatigue_YA distinguished between healthy young adults and young adults with chronic health conditions, with higher scores on all scales in healthy young adults than in those with a chronic health condition.
The results demonstrate good psychometric properties of the PedsQL fatigue_YA in a sample of Dutch young adults. With the current norms available, it is possible to evaluate fatigue in the Netherlands from childhood to adulthood with the PedsQL Multidimensional Fatigue Scale.