The present study aimed to further test the teacher- and parent-versions of the Child Problematic Traits Inventory (CPTI) in Spain, with a special focus on gender differences. Data were collected in a sample of 2467 preschool children (48.1% girls) aged three to six (mean age = 4.25; SD = 0.91). Results supported the proposed three-factor structure of the CPTI (Grandiose-deceitful, GD; Callous-unemotional, CU; and Impulsive-need of stimulation, INS), being invariant across gender, and with good-to-excellent internal consistency values. CPTI scores showed the expected associations with fearlessness, conduct problems, reactive and proactive aggression, hyperactivity and prosocial behavior, thereby supporting the external validity of the CPTI scores. This pattern of associations also held when cross-informant correlations were explored, although correlation values were lower in magnitude. Some different patterns of correlations were also found across gender groups. Overall, the CPTI reveals as a promising, psychometrically sound measure for assessing psychopathic traits in very young children using both parents’ and teachers’ reports.