Search strategy
Eligibility criteria and study selection
Data extraction and quality assessment
Study selection
Study characteristics and quality assessment
Author, year of publication | Country | Study design | Type of QOL questionnaire | Study sample size | Age | Sex | Type of cancer | PCUs | Reported outcome | Quality assessments |
Africa (n = 5) | ||||||||||
Bates et al., 2015 [78] | Malawi | Cross-sectional | N/A | 72 | Mean (min–max) 49.5 (20–80) | F: 72 (100%) | Cervical cancer 72 (100%) | Hospital-based | (cancer-related) Symptoms | Low |
Kamau et al., 2007 [79] | Kenya | Cross-sectional | EORTC-QLQ-C30 | 152 | 20–29 = 7 (4.6%); 30–39 = 18 (11.8%); 40–49 = 45 (29.6%); 50–59 = 47 (30.9%); 60–69 = 26 (17.1%), ≥ 70 = 9 (5.9%) | F: 152 (100%) | Cervical cancer 152 (100%) | Hospital-based | Global health status | Low |
Lakew et al., 2015 [54] | Ethiopia | Cross-sectional | Custom instrument | 403 | Mean (SD) 45.8 (11.3); < 35 = 41 (10.7%), ≥ 35 = 343 (89.3%) | N/A | All cancer types | Hospital-based | Physical well-being, social/family well-being | Low |
Ogoncho et al., 2016 [55] | Kenya | Cross-sectional | MVQOLI | 108 | Mean (SD) 49.1 (4.1); min–max 18–71 | F: 108 (100%) | Gynecological cancer: cervical 60 (56%), ovarian 26 (24%), endometrial 21 (19%) | Hospital-based | Overall QOL | Low |
Ogoncho et al., 2015 [19] | Kenya | Cross-sectional | MVQOLI | 108 | Mean (min–max) 48 (18–72); 18–24 = 9 (8%); 35–55 = 39 (36%); 45–54 = 19 (18%); 55–64 = 22 (20%); > 65 = 19 (18%) | F: 108 (100%) | Gynecological cancer: cervical 60 (56%); ovarian 26 (24%); endometrial 21 (19%) | Hospital-based | Total QOL | Low |
Latin America and the Caribbean (n = 10) | ||||||||||
Alfano et al., 2014 [41] | Brazil | Cross-sectional | EORTC QLQ-C30; EORTC QLQ-BR23 | 126 | Mean (SD) 51.4 (10.9) | F: 126 (100%) | Breast cancer 126 (100%) | Hospital-based | Global health status | Moderate |
Avelino et al., 2015 [17] | Brazil | Cohort | EORTC QLQ C-30; QLQ-LC13 | 16 | Median 63.7; < 65 = 6 (37.5%); ≥ 65 = 10 (62.5%) | F: 7 (43.8%); M: 9 (56.3%) | Non-small cell lung carcinoma 10 (62.5%) | Hospital-based | Global health status | Moderate |
Camargos et al., 2015 [45] | Brazil | Cross-sectional | WHOQOL-Bref | 525 | < 30 = 13 (2.5%); 30–60 = 294 (56%); > 60 = 218 (41.5%) | F: 243 (46.3%); M: 282 (53.7%) | All cancer types 525 (100%) | Hospital-based | Overall QOL | Moderate |
Carmo et al., 2017 [53] | Brazil | Intervention | EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL | 63 | Mean 52.9 | F: 41 (65.1%); M: 22 (34.9%) | Breast cancer 18 (28.6%); cervix 9 (14.3%); colon and rectum 7 (11.1%); lung 7 (11.1%) | Hospital-based | Global health status | High |
Mendes et al., 2014 [35] | Brazil | Cross-sectional | WHOQOL-BREF | 56 | Median (min–max) 65.5 (28–92) | F: 31 (55.4%); M: 25 (44.6%) | Gastrointestinal tract 20 (30.7%), respiratory tract 8 (14.3%), genitourinary tract 8 (14.3%), head and neck 6 (10.7%) | Hospital-based | QOL domains: physical, psychological, social relationships, environment | Low |
Mendez et al., 2017 [36] | Brazil | Cohort | EORTC QLQ-C30, EORTC QLQ-BM22 | 35 | Mean (min–max) 56 (22–80) | F: 23 (66%); M: 12 (34%) | Breast cancer 11 (31.4%), prostate 6 (17.1%) | Hospital-based | Global health status | Moderate |
Paiva et al., 2012 [8] | Brazil | Cohort | ESAS | 232 | Median (min–max) 59 (18–88); mean (SD) 58.9 (12.8) | F: 112 (48%); M: 120 (52%) | Gastrointestinal 56 (24%); breast 41 (17%) | Hospital-based | Total symptom distress score (TSDS); symptoms score | High |
Rigoni et al., 2016 [80] | Brazil | Cross-sectional | EORTC QLQ-C30; Coop/Wonca questionnaire | 30 | Mean 56.6 | F: 2 (6.7%); M: 28 (93.3%) | Oropharynx 11 (36.7%); larynx 10 (33.3%) | Hospital-based | Global health status | Moderate |
Rugno et al., 2014 [56] | Brazil | Cohort | EORTC QLQ-C30 | 87 | Median (min–max) 56 (24–83); < 45 = 21 (24.1%); 45–65 = 50 (57.5%); > 65 = 16 (18.4%) | F: 87 (100%) | Breast 50 (50.7%); cervix 19 (21.8%); ovarian 14 (16.0%) | Hospital-based | Global health status | High |
Rafael da Silva Ribeiro et al., 2015 [38] | Brazil | Cross-sectional | EORTC QLQ-C30 | 63 | Median (min–max) 62 (33–84) patients in hospital-based PC vs 70 (49–90) in home-based PC | F: 38 (60.3%); M: 25 (39.7%) | Breast cancer 10 (15.9%), uterine cervix 6 (9.5%) | Hospital-based | Global health status | Low |
Asia (n = 40) | ||||||||||
Das et al., 2013 [29] | India | Cohort | FACT H and N | 33 | Mean (min–max) 57.8 (34–75) | F: 4 (12%); M: 29 (88%) | Head and neck cancer: oral cavity 11.9 (36%); hypopharynx and laryny 11.2 (34%) | Hospital-based | Physical, social, emotional, functional well-being | Moderate |
Gandhi et al., 2014 [32] | India | Cross-sectional | EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL | 100 | Median (min–max) 55 (22–80) | F: 17 (17%); M: 83 (83%) | Head and neck cancer: oropharynx 46%; oral cavity except tongue 19% | Hospital-based | Global health status | Low |
Ghoshal et al., 2016 [33] | India | Cohort | EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL | 500 | Median (SD) 52 (13.1); < 20 = 3 (0.6%); 21–40 = 101 (20.2%); 41–60 = 272 (54.4%); 61–80 = 118 (23.6%); > 80 = 6 (1.2%) | F: 204 (50.8%); M: 258 (51.6%) | Head and neck 116 (23.2%); gastro intestinal 106 (21.2%); gastro urinary 87 (17.4%) | Hospital-based | Global health status | High |
Gielen et al., 2017 [27] | India | Cross-sectional | Hindi 36 spirituality items (custom made) | 300 | Mean (SD) 47.5 (12.4) | F: 148 (49.3%); M: 152 (50.7%) | Breast cancer 45 (15%), lung 26 (8.7%), gallbladder 15 (5%), rectum 13 (4.3%) | Hospital-based | Spiritual distress clusters | Low |
Kandasamy et al., 2011 [47] | India | Cross-sectional | FACT-G, and FACT-pal | 50 | Mean (SD) 49.7 (10.2); min–max 17–64 | F: 28 (56%); M: 22 (44%) | Oropharyngeal cancer 11 (22%), gynecological (cervix, endometrium, ovary) 11 (22%) | Hospital-based | QOL; subscales: physical well-being, social/family well-being, emotional well-being, functional well-being | Moderate |
Mehta et al., 2008 [30] | India | Cohort | EORTC QLQ-C30 | 62 | Mean (min–max) 62 (30–70) | F: 30 (48.4%); M: 32 (51.6%) | Carcinoma esophagus 62 (100%) | Hospital-based | Global health status | High |
Prasad et al., 2015 [31] | India | Cohort | EORTC QLQ-C30 | 33 | Median (min–max) 60 (35–78) | F: 12 (36.4%); M: 21 (63.6%) | Esophageal 33 (100%) | Hospital-based | Global health status | Moderate |
Nayak et al., 2019 [37] | India | Cross-sectional | the QOL questionnaire version II (cancer institute quality of life questionnaire version II for cancer patients in India) | 768 | 51–60 = 232 (30.2%); other age groups N/A | N/A | Head and neck cancer 308 (40.1%); breast/cervix/gastrointestinal tract/lung/colorectal were not reported in detailed | Hospital-based | General well-being score | Low |
Palat et al., 2018 [81] | India | Cross-sectional | (unvalidated) POS, and HADS | 76 | Mean (SD) PC 48.6 (12.1) without contact to PC group vs 49.9 (16.2) with contact to PC group | F: 38 (50%); M: 38 (50%) both groups | Gastrointestinal 11 (14.4%); cervix 11 (14.4%); head and neck 10 (13.2%); lung 9 (13.2%) | Hospital-based | Pain intensity | Low |
Aboshaiqah et al., 2016 [3] | Saudi Arabia | Cross-sectional | EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL | 130 | Mean (SD) 46.7 (16.5); min–max 17–86 | F: 103 (79.2%); M: 27 (20.8%) | Breast cancer 69 (53.1%); colorectal 19 (14.6%); lung 15 (11.5%) | Hospital-based | Global health status | Moderate |
Abu-Saad Huijer et al., 2012 [82] | Lebanon | Cross-sectional | EORTC QLQ-C30 | 200 | Mean (SD) 54 (13.6); min–max 19–86; 13–34 = 17 (8.5%); 35–54 = 87 (43.5%); ≥ 55 = 96 (48%) | F: 126 (63%); M: 74 (37%) | Breast cancer 89 (44.5%); gastrointestinal system 36 (18%); blood 20 (10%) | Hospital-based | Symptoms prevalance | Low |
Al-Zahrani et al., 2014 [83] | Saudi Arabia | Cross-sectional | AQSA | 124 | Mean (min–max) 56 (20–92) | F: 51 (41%); M: 73 (59%) | Breast cancer 34 (27.4%); head and neck 19 (15.3%); genitourinary 16 (12.9%) | Hospital-based | Pain score | Low |
Bulbul et al., 2017 [18] | Turkey | Cross-sectional | ESAS | 1245 | Mean (SD) 61.8 (9.4) | F: 141 (11.3%); M: 1,104 (88.7%) | Lung cancer 1,245 (100%) | Hospital-based | Well-being | Moderate |
Shamieh et al., 2017 [57] | Jordan | Cohort | ESAS | 298 | Mean (SD) 52.7(13.7) | F: 86 (47%); M: 96 (52%) | Breast cancer 40 (22%); lung 37 (20%); gastrointestinal 31 (17%) | Hospital-based | Symptoms | Moderate |
Aamir et al., 2012 [28] | Malaysia | Cross-sectional | EORTC-QLQ-C30 and HADS | 288 | Mean (SD) 54 (15.7); min–max 20–85 | F: 111 (38.5%); M: 177 (61.4%) | All cancer types | Hospital-based | Global health status | Low |
Chaiviboontham, 2015 [42] | Thailand | Cross-sectional | SWBS | 240 | Mean (min–max) 56.1 (19–86) | F: 122 (50.8%); M: 118 (49.2%) | Gastrointestinal, breast, hepatobiliary, lung (no number reported) | Hospital-based | QOL | Moderate |
Chan et al., 2012 [21] | China | Cross-sectional | MQOL-HK, HADS | 53 | Mean (SD) 62.11 (15.5); min–max 35–92 | F: 53 (100%) | Gynecological cancer: ovary 29 (54.7%); cervix 13 (24.4%) | Hospital-based | Mean total QOL | Low |
Chang et al., 2009 [25] | Taiwan | Cohort | SF-36 | 180 | Mean (SD) 67.3 (13.1) | F: 57 (32%); M: 123 (68%) | Lung 39 (22%); colorectal 29 (16%); gastric 21 (12%) | Hospital-based | Survival time (as QOL proxy) | Moderate |
Chui et al., 2009 [20] | China | Cross-sectional | MQOL | 300 | Mean (min–max) 67.5 (21–94) | F: 136 (45.3%); M: 163 (54.3%) | Lung, gastrointestinal are the most common out of 9 primary site of cancer (no number reported) | Hospital-based | Total QOL, QOL single item | Moderate |
Cui et al., 2014 [26] | China | Cross-sectional | MQOL | 531 | 18–44 = 48 (9%); 45–59 = 145 (27.3%); 60–74 = 164 (30.9%), > 75 = 174 (32.8%) | F: 234 (44.1%); M: 297 (55.9%) | All cancer types | Hospital-based | QOL | Moderate |
Deng et al., 2015 [52] | China | Cohort | MQOL | 630 | Median (min–max) 62 (20–78) | F: 282 (44.8%); M: 348 (55.2%) | Lung 203 (32.2%); liver 67 (10.6%); gastric 52 (8.3%) | Hospital-based | Overall QOL | High |
Ezat et al., 2014 [84] | Malaysia | Cross-sectional | SF-36 QOL | 120 | Mean (min–max) 57 (22–83) | F: 63 (52.5%); M: 57 (47.5%) | Lung 40 (33.4%); breast cancer 24 (20%); colon 19 (15.8%) | Hospital-based | QOL | Low |
Fan et al., 2011 [48] | China | Cross-sectional | EORTC QLQ-C30 | 173 | Mean (SD) 61.13 (12); min–max 19–86 | F: 79 (45.7%); M: 94 (54.3%) | Lung 71 (41.0%); gastrointestinal 24 (13.9%); liver pancreas 24 (13.9%) | Home-based | Global health status | Moderate |
Kim, 2014 [22] | South Korea | Cross-sectional | MQOL (the McMaster Quality of Life | 52 | Mean 49.2 | F: 13 (25.5%); M: 38 (74.5%) | Lung 15 (28.9%), stomach, liver, gall bladder and leukemia each 5 (9.6%) | Hospital-based | Overall QOL | Moderate |
Kim et al., 2013 [49] | South Korea | Cohort | EQ-VAS | 262 | Median (min–max) 60 (22–91) | F: 104 (39.7%); M: 158 (60.3%) | Colorectal 56 (21.4%); gastric 50 (19.1%); hepatobiliary 48 (18.3%) | Hospital-based | QOL | Moderate |
Kristanti et al., 2017 [23] | Indonesia | Cohort | EORTC QLQ-C30 | 30 | 18–44 = 9 (30%); 45–54 = 10 (33%), > 55 = 11 (37%) | F: 22 (73%); M: 8 (27%) | Breast cancer 9 (30%); digestive (colon, recti, sigmoid) 5 (17%); gynecology (vulva, ovarian, cervical) 5 (17%) | Hospital-based | Global health status | High |
Lau et al., 2013 [9] | China | Cross-sectional | QOLC-E | 90 | Mean (min–max) 64 (38–87) | F: 45 (50%); M: 45 (50%) | Respiratory 33 (36.7%); digestive-gastrointestinal 26 (28.9%); head and neck 10 (11.1%) | Hospital-based | Overall QOL; global QOL by single-item scale | Low |
Lee et al., 2015 [34] | South Korea | Cohort | EORTC QLQ-C30 | 463 | Mean (min–max) 57.3 (20–87) | F: 196 (42.3%); M: 267 (57.7%) | Stomach 83 (18%); colon 73 (15.8%); lung 67 (14.5%) | Hospital-based | Global health status | High |
Lee et al., 2014 [85] | South Korea | Cohort | EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL | 162 | ≥ 65 = 82 (50.6%); 40–65 = 75 (46.3%) < 40 5(3.1%) | F: 86 (53.1%); M: 76 (46.9%) | Lung 40 (24.7%); hepatobiliary 34 (21%); ovary/cervix of uterus 31 (19.1%) | Hospital-based | Physical functioning | Moderate |
Lee et al., 2013 [50] | South Korea | Cohort | EORTC-QLQ-C30 and HADS | 98 | Mean (SD) 57.3 (10.9); 24–40 = 4 (4.1%); 41–60 = 50 (51.0%); 61–78 = 44 (44.9%) | F: 31 (31.6%); M: 67 (68.4%) | Stomach 44 (44.9%); lung 32 (32.6%) | Hospital-based | Overall QOL | Moderate |
Li et al., 2014 [86] | China | Cross-sectional | EORTC QLQ-C30 | 109 | Mean (SD) 69 (7) | F: 43 (39.4%); M: 66 (60.6%) | Esophageal and gastric 44 (40.3%); lung 19 (17.4%); liver 11 (10.1%) | Hospital-based | Role functioning | Moderate |
Lua et al., 2011 [43] | Malaysia | Cross-sectional | MQOL | 39 | Mean (min–max) 55.9 (27–82) | F: 22 (56.4%); M: 17 (43.6%) | All cancer types | Hospital-based | Global health status | Low |
Pokpalagon et al., 2012 [44] | Thailand | Cross-sectional | MVQOLI | 180 | Mean (min–max) 55.2 (20–84) | F: 109 (60.6%); M: 71 (39.4%) | Breast 51 (28.3%); hepatobiliary 32 (17.8%); lung 26 (14.4%); colorectal 19 (10.6%) | Hospital-based and home-based | Overall QOL | Moderate |
Shahmoradi et al., 2012 [87] | Malaysia | Cross-sectional | HQLI | 61 | Mean (SD) 59.2 (12.5) min–max 18–74 | F: 33 (54%); M: 28 (46%) | Breast 11 (18%); colon 8 (13.1%); rectum 8 (13.1%) | Home-based | Mean total score | Low |
Tang et al., 2016 [51] | Taiwan | Cohort | MQOL | 325 | < 66 = 225 (69.2%); 66 + = 100 (30.8%) | F: 138 (42.5%); M: 187 (57.5%) | Stomach 61 (18.8%); liver 54 (16.6%); pancreas 49 (15.1%) | Hospital-based | QOL | High |
Tsai et al., 2012 Taiwan [39] | Taiwan | Cohort | Custom made "symptom reporting form" | 426 | Median (min–max) 67 (27–93) | F: 212 (48.2%); M: 228 (51.8%) | Lung 89 (20.2%); liver 79 (18%); colon-rectum 47 (10.7%) | Hospital-based | Fatigue | Moderate |
Wang et al., 2016 Taiwan [58] | Taiwan | Cross-sectional | FACT-G | 85 | Mean (SD) 59.5 (12.4) | F: 45 (52.9%); M: 40 (47.1%) | Gastrointestinal 24 (28.2%); head and neck, breast, and liver each 12 (14.1%) | Hospital-based | Total FACT-G score | Moderate |
Wang et al., 2011 [40] | China | Cross-sectional | FACT-G | 201 | Mean (SD) 65.5 (12.8); min–max 30–89 | F: 84 (41.8%); M: 117 (58.2%) | Colorectal 47 (23.4%); lung 40 (19.9%); esophageal and gastric 28 (13.9%) | Hospital-based | Total FACT-G score | Moderate |
Yan, 2006 [24] | China | Cross-sectional | MQOL-HK | 85 | Mean (SD) 63.39 (13.2); min–max 39–93 | F: 48 (56.5%); M: 37 (43.5%) | Lung 28 (32.9%); cervix/uterine/ovary 10 (11.7%) | Home-based | Total QOL score | Moderate |
Yoon et al., 2018 [46] | South Korea | Cross-sectional | EORTC QLQ-C15-PAL | 202 | Mean 64.9 | F: 99 (49.1%); M: 103 (50.9) | Lung 45 (22.3%); colon/rectal 41 (20.3%); liver/biliary tract 29 (14.4%) | Hospital-based | Overall QOL | Low |
Factors associated with QOL in PCUs
Author, year of publication | Factors studied | Better Outcome (QOL and/or QOL domains) | Poorer Outcome (QOL and/or QOL domains) | QOL and/or QOL domains Score |
Africa (n = 5) | ||||
Bates et al., 2015 [78] | Palliative care interventions (pain medication) | Pain | N/A | N/A |
Kamau et al., 2007 [79] | Patients’ perception of diagnosis and treatment on palliative radiotherapy | N/A | Overall QOL; overall physical health | N/A |
Lakew et al., 2015 [54] | Use of PC services (counseling services, service brochure and benefit, books and videos library, relaxation class, drop counseling and support service, 24 h telephone support and cancer advisory, home nursing service, perform home activities, monitory allowances) | Physical well-being; social/family well-being | N/A | N/A |
Ogoncho et al., 2016 [55] | Specific additional care within PCUs (pain relief service, management of other symptoms, psychological counseling, spiritual care) | Total QOL; interpersonal subscale | N/A | Mean (SD) total QOL = 17.2 (0.4); interpersonal subscale 5.3 (1.1) |
Ogoncho et al., 2015 [19] | Age (> 65), occupational (formal employment status), monthly income (> 10,000 Kenyan shillings or equal to 99 US$), level of education (high), type of gynecological cancer, type of historic received cancer treatment | Total QOL | N/A | Positive improvement in mean (SD): age group 18–24 = 17 (1.2); 35–44 = 16 (3.3); 45–54 = 16 (4.1); 55–64 = 7 (4.7); > 65 = 21 (3.3); occupation: housewife = 6 (4.5); peasant farmer = 16 (4.7); casual worker = 16 (1.6); self-employed = 18 (3.6); formal employment = 20 (3.2) |
Latin America and the Caribbean (n = 10) | ||||
Alfano et al., 2014 [41] | Body-mind interventions (mediation, yoga, acupuncture, relaxation, prayer, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, and art therapy) as one of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)‘s modalities | Sexual enjoyment; perspective for the future | Cognitive function | Median (P25-P75) sexual enjoyment = 66.7 (33.3–100); future perspective = 0.0 (0.0–66.7); cognitive function n = 66.7 (50.0–100) |
Biologically based practices (medicinal herbs, vitamins, minerals, food supplements, and probiotics) as one of CAM’s modalities | N/A | More frequent constipation | Median (P25-P75) constipation n = 0.0 (0.0–33.3) | |
Avelino et al., 2015 [17] | Chemotherapy cycles | Physical function; congnitive function; cancer-related symptoms e.g. pain, and appetite loss | N/A | Mean ± SD, median physical function n = 59.8 ± 27.7, 60.0 to 81.5 ± 20.9, 93.3; cognitive function n = 79.0 ± 35.9, 100.0 to 73.1 ± 30.1, 83.3; pai n = 60.4 ± 35.4, 58.4 to 78.2 ± 23.9, 83.3; appetite loss = 41.7 ± 46.4, 16.5 to 79.5 ± 39.8, 100.0 |
Camargos et al., 2015 [45] | Spirituality/religiosity (connection, meaning in life, admiration, wholeness and integration, spiritual strength, inner peace, hope and optimism, faith) | Global QOL; social domain; environmental domain | N/A | Mean (SD) global QOL = 78.0 (16.8); social domain n = 77.6 (17.2); environmental domain n = 75.8 (15.6) |
Carmo et al., 2017 [53] | Psychosocial intervention based on the cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques (psychoeducation on patient’s current clinical condition and the purpose of palliative care, the functioning of anxiety, technique to manage symptoms, and techniques for the detection and questioning of automatic thoughts as well as their influence and essential role in the triggering of emotions and behaviors) | Global health status | N/A | Mean (SD) global health status Arm A (received psychological intervention, received early PC intervention) = 76.3 (17.0); Arm B (received early PC intervention) = 72.7 (25.5); Arm C (standard cancer treatment) = 66.7 (29.5) |
Mendes et al., 2014 [35] | Pain intensity | Environment domain | Physical domain | Scale value range from 0–100 environmental domain n = 70.7; physical domain n = 51.3 |
Mendez et al., 2017 [36] | Pain changes | Global health status | N/A | Median (IQR) global health status = 66 (50–100) to 33 (16–66) |
Paiva et al., 2012 [8] | Anorexia, fatigue, nausea, pain, depression and anxiety, drowsiness, well-being, dyspnea | N/A | Total symptom distress score (TSDA) | Positive improvements in patients: anorexia = 90; fatigue = 112; nausea = 57; pai n = 133: positively improved from baseline and follow-up; depression n = 102; anxiety = 121; drowsiness = 98; well-being = 128; dyspnea = 56; TSDA = 232 |
Rigoni et al., 2016 [80] | Patients’ perception of pain, difficulty to detect problems, problem with social contact, use of analgesics, weight loss | N/A | Global health status | Mean ± SD, median global health status = 54.17 ± 24.93, 58.33 |
Rugno et al., 2014 [56] | Integrated care model (ICM) | Global health status; emotional functioning; social functioining; insomnia | N/A | Median score for global health status = 66.6; emotional functioning = 66.6; social functioning = 83.3; insomnia = 33.3 |
Rafael da Silva Ribeiro et al., 2015 [38] | Home-based palliative care | Global health status; functional scale; most of symptoms (except insomnia and diarrhea) | N/A | Global health status score (range from 0–100) = 57.1 |
Asia (n = 40) | ||||
Das et al., 2013 [29] | Hypofractionated palliative radiotherapy (short duration) | Social well-being | N/A | Positive improvement: social well-being = 17.4 to 20.0 |
Gandhi et al., 2014 [32] | Symptoms, emotional functioning, physical functioning | Global health status | N/A | Mean global health status = 50.84 |
Ghoshal et al., 2016 [33] | Fatigue changes | Overall QOL; physical functioning; insomnia | N/A | Median (SD) Overall QOL = 50.0 (21.15) to 66.7 (26.58); physical function = 46.7 (24.08) to 60.0 (26.51); insomnia = 33.33 (30.98) to 0 (22.79) |
Gielen et al., 2017 [27] | Sex (male), educational level (high), pain score (low) | (patients) Spirituality distress clusters | N/A | N/A |
Kandasamy et al., 2011 [47] | Spiritual well-being | QOL; physical well-being; social family well-being; emotional well-being; family well-being; palliative well-being | N/A | N/A |
Mehta et al., 2008 [30] | Combined palliative radiotherapy (intraluminal brachytherapy and external radiation) | Global health status | N/A | Mean QOL score Arm A (30 Gy/10 fractions/2 weeks XRT + 12 Gy ILBT (600 cGy per session × 2)) = 38 to 56; Arm B (30 Gy/10 fractions/2 weeks XRT) = 30 to 55; Arm C (20 Gy/5 fractions/1 week XRT) = 24 to 37 |
Prasad et al., 2015 [31] | Palliative radiotherapy | Global health status; dysphagia | N/A | Mean (SD), median global health status = 107.5 (10.1), 106 to 114.1 (7.5), 116; dysphagia = 4.1 (1.2), 4 to 2.4 (1.1), 3 |
Nayak et al., 2019 [37] | Symptoms, cognitive well-being (good), economic status (high) | Body image | QOL; physical and psychological domains | general well-being total score (mean ± SD) 32 (10.65 ± 3.23) |
Palat et al., 2018 [81] | Contact with PC units | N/A | Pain | N/A |
Aboshaiqah et al., 2016 [3] | Satisfaction care | Emotional function | N/A | N/A |
Abu-Saad Huijer et al., 2012 [82] | Cognitive functioning | Global health status | N/A | Mean (SD) global health status = 58.46 (23.86) |
Al-Zahrani et al., 2014 [83] | Age, sex, type of cancer, performance status, type of encounter in PC | Pain intensity | N/A | N/A |
Bulbul et al., 2017 [18] | Age, body weight, weight loss, metastasis, symptom distress (pain, tiredness, drowsiness, lack of appetite, shortness of breath, depression, anxiety) | N/A | Well-being | N/A |
Shamieh et al., 2017 [57] | Initial consultation provided by PC team | Symptoms: pain; fatigue; nausea; depression; anxiety; drowsiness; appetite; well-being; dyspnea; and sleep | N/A | Mean (SD) pain = 7 (1.8) to 6 (2.8); fatigue = 7 (1.8) to 6 (2.5); nausea = 7 (2.0) to 4 (3.7); depression = 7 (1.9) to 5 (3.2); anxiety = 7 (2.0) to 5 (3.0); drowsiness = 6 (1.7) to 5 (2.7); appetite = 7 (1.9) to 6 (3.0); well-being = 7 (1.8) to 6 (2.6); dyspnea = 6 (1.8) to 5 (3.2); sleep = 7 (1.8) to 5 (2.7) |
Aamir et al., 2012 [28] | Depression, anxiety | N/A | Global health status | Mean ± SD global health status = 35.5 ± 10.9 (for depression); global health status = 34.3 ± 12.2 (for anxiety) |
Family function | N/A | Global health status | Mean ± SD global health status = 80.5 ± 14.7 | |
Chaiviboontham, 2015 [42] | Spiritual well-being, a combination of PC strategy (pharmacological and psychosocial care, mind–body intervention, and spiritual care; physical management; and traditional medicine, herbs, and diet management) | QOL | N/A | N/A |
Chan et al., 2012 [21] | Age (older) | QOL | N/A | Mean total score QOL = 0.683 |
Depression, and anxiety | N/A | QOL | Mean total score QOL = -0.518 (for depression); Mean total score QOL = -0.278 (for anxiety) | |
Chang et al., 2009 [25] | Sex (female), KPS (high), overall symptoms severity (low) | N/A | Survival time (as a proxy of QOL) | N/A |
Chui et al., 2009 [20] | Age (older), sex (female), marital status (had ever been married), physical functioning (higher) | QOL score | N/A | Mean total score QOL = 6.2 (range 0–10) |
Cui et al., 2014 [26] | Sex (female), educational level (university +), number of children > 3), awareness of the disease (not aware at all), hospital size (tertiary) | MQOL total score | N/A | Mean ± SD QOL = 5.09 ± 0.90 |
Deng et al., 2015 [52] | Specific additional care within PCUs | QOL domains (physical, psychological, physical well-being, depressed, anxious, sad, fear of future, seeing life as a burden, existential well-being, personal existence, achieving life goals, life is worthwhile, self-content, closeness to people, world is caring, dignity, support, eating, sex); overall QOL | N/A | Mean (SD) physical = 6.21 (1.51) to 4.16 (2.06); psychological = 5.99 (2.05) to 4.89 (2.17); physical well-being = 7.03 (1.96) to 5.90 (2.41); depressed = 5.92 (2.54) to 4.83 (2.56); anxious = 6.24 (2.53) to 4.97 (2.58); sad = 5.90 (2.69) to 4.64 (2.61); fear of future = 4.93 (2.77) to 4.06 (2.61); seeing life as a burden = 5.94 (2.66) to 4.97 (2.69); existential well-being = 4.22 (1.89) to 3.59 (1.81); personal existence = 4.62 (2.52) to 4.10 (2.41); achieving life goals = 5.34 (2.69) to 4.78 (2.64); life is worthwhile = 4.53 (2.47) to 4.04 (2.39); self-content = 4.76 (2.71) to 4.17 (2.51); closeness to people = 2.92 (2.49) to 2.14 (2.13); world is caring = 2.97 (2.22) to 2.23 (2.04); dignity = 4.41 (2.98) to 3.68 (2.68); support = 6.55 (2.34) to 6.12 (2.53); eating = 6.34 (2.61) to 6.17 (2.84); sex = 6.37 (3.03) to 6.08 (3.12); overall QOL = 6.81 (2.27) to 5.87 (2.53) |
Ezat et al., 2014 [84] | General satisfaction aspect, feeling at peace and having a sense of meaning in life | QOL | N/A | Mean (SD) = 63.96 (17.41) |
Time spent with doctor; accessibility | N/A | Physical component; mental component | Mean (SD) physical component = 42.24 (7.91); mental component = 44.93 (6.84) | |
Fan et al., 2011 [48] | Diagnosis awareness (aware) | Physical functioning and emotional functioning | N/A | Mean (SD) physical functioning = 38.45 (22.95); emotional functioning = 61.05 (19.27) |
Kim, 2014 [22] | Age (> 70), sex (male), living with parents, not using analgesics, less symptoms other than pain | Overall QOL | N/A | N/A |
Kim et al., 2013 [49] | Aware of terminal status (aware); primary cancer site (colorectal, gastric), lower depressive symptoms | QOL | N/A | Positive improvement in median (interquartile range) score: awareness of terminal status (unaware vs. aware) 60 (46.3–73.8) vs. 50 (30–70); primary cancer site colorectal 50 (40–70); gastric 60 (50–70); hepatobiliary 60 (46.3–60); pancreas 50 (30–70); head and neck 35 (30–70); metastatic to lung (no vs. yes) 60 (40–70) vs. 50 (35–70) |
Kristanti et al., 2017 [23] | Basic skills training for family caregivers (educational package: instructional and informational video as well as demonstrations by nurse educators), age, sex (female), caregivers age and experience | Global health status; functional scales (emotional, and social function), symptoms/single items (fatigue, pain, dyspnea, insomnia, appetite loss, constipation, financial) | N/A | Mean (SD) global health status = 40.27 (17.79) to 56.94 (18.05); functional scales: emotional function = 63.33 (30.21) to 79.44 (26.77); social function = 20.56 (25.40) to 35.56 (33.82); symptoms: fatigue = 68.33 (24.20) to 56.29 (28.12); pain = 72.22 (33.99) to 57.22 (34.35); dyspnea = 38.89 (39.22) to 12.22 (28.34); insomnia = 57.78 (66.67) to 35.56 (36.04); appetite loss = 60.00 (39.53) to 44.44 (36.40); constipation = 32.22 (38.63) 20.00 (34.57); financial = 78.89 (29.66) to 65.55 (33.31) |
Lau et al., 2013 [9] | Sex (female), walking ability (more ambulant) | Global QOL by single-item scale; overall QOL | N/A | Mean (SD) global QOL by single item = 5.72 (1.84); overall QOL = 6.27 (1.26) |
Lee et al., 2015 [34] | Patient grouping (nonproblematic group) | Global health status; symptoms: fatigue; nausea; pain; dyspnea; insomnia; appetite loss; constipation; emotional function; cognitive function | N/A | Median survival days (CI95%) global health status = 101 (83–120); symptoms: fatigue = 93 (74–103); nausea = 77 (69–88); pain = 84 (69–98); dyspnea = 75 (69–88); insomnia = 77 (69–90); appetite loss = 94 (82–110); constipation = 77 (69–91); emotional function = 77 (69–93); cognitive function = 80 (69–93) |
Lee et al., 2014 [85] | Performa status, cancer-related symptoms | Physical functioning | N/A | N/A |
Lee et al., 2013 [50] | Awareness of incurable cancer status (aware) | Overall quality of life; role functioning; emotional functioning; social functioning | Depression; financial difficulty | N/A |
Li et al., 2014 [86] | Role functioning; financial impact, fatigue; depression and anxiety | N/A | Global health status | Mean (SD) global health status = 39.82 (30.20) |
Lua et al., 2011 [43] | Attitudes, beliefs and perceptions towards CIMT effectiveness in health maintenance, need for wider promotion, focus more on well-being, physical symptoms (CIMT user) | Global health status | N/A | Mean (SD), median global health status (for CIMT user) = 6.6 (2.8), 7.0; (for CIMT non-user) = 6.4 (1.9), 6.0 |
Pokpalagon et al., 2012 [44] | Having PC (non-pharmacological care strategy) at four institutions (religious organization/NGOs) | Overall QOL; well-being and transcendent | N/A | N/A |
Shahmoradi et al., 2012 [87] | Functional status home-based PC | N/A | QOL | Mean ± SD QOL score = 189.9 ± 51.7 |
Tang et al., 2016 [51] | Prognostic awareness (accurate) | N/A | QOL; self-perceived sense of burden to others, anxiety | Mean (SD) QOL = 93.49 (25.58) to 75.05 (26.34) |
Tsai et al., 2012 [39] | Symptoms (weakness, pain, anorexia, nausea/vomiting, dysphagia, restless/heat, abdominal fullness, constipation, dry mouth, dizziness), education of complexities in fatigue plus psychosocial and spiritual care | Fatigue | N/A | N/A |
Wang et al., 2016 [58] | The meaning subscale (spiritual well-being), faith subscale | Total FACT-G score | N/A | Mean (SD) total score QOL = 78.15 (18.12) |
Wang et al., 2011 [40] | Each 13 symptoms (fatigue, difficulty remembering, disturbed sleep, pain, poor appetite, distress, sadness, dry mouth, numbness, short of breath, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting), the sum score of 13 symptoms | N/A | Total FACT-G score | Mean (SD) total score QOL = 62.2 ± 16.8 |
Psychological symptoms (distress, sadness) | Total FACT-G score | N/A | Mean (SD) total score QOL (for distress) = 2.84 (2.59); (for sadness) = 2.61 (2,56) | |
Yan, 2006 [24] | Age, palliative home care patients, using traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) | Total QOL score; sexual functioning score, psychological score; existential score | N/A | Mean (SD) total QOL score = 6.61 (0.85); sexual function = 7.23 (2.78); psychological function = 7.14 (1.18); existential function = 6.46 (1.49) |
Pain intensity | N/A | Overall QOL; physical score, sexual functioning score | N/A | |
Yoon et al., 2018 [46] | Spiritual well-being | Overall QOL | N/A | N/A |