For its 2007 Autism Applied Research Competition the Organization for Autism Research (OAR) seeks applied research proposals in the following areas:
The analysis, evaluation, or comparison of current models of assessment, intervention, or systems of service delivery including policy analysis,
Applied aspects of educational, behavioral, or social/communicative intervention across the lifespan, or
Adult issues such as continuing education, employment, residential supports, sexuality instruction, quality-of-life determinants and “later intervention”
Issues related to family support, social and community integration, assessment and intervention with challenging behavior, and technology in support of learners with ASD.
OAR seeks to fund studies of 1–2 years in length that will likely produce practical and clearly objective results that promise some benefit for learners with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), their families, and related service providers (e.g., teachers, classroom aides, job coaches, speech pathologists, psychologists, etc.) at different times in their lives. With this year’s competition OAR will consider awarding up to:
8 One-year studies funded at a maximum of $30,000 per year,
2 Two-year studies funded at a maximum of $30,000 per year, and
2 One-year studies funded at a maximum of $45,000 per year.
The total funding available though this year’s Applied Autism Research Competition is a maximum of $450,000 for a total of 10 grant awards. Pre-proposals are due by April 6, 2007. OAR will invite full proposals from selected pre-proposals and will complete the final review by October 28, 2007. The full 2007 RFP can be found on line at …