In 2015 it is twenty years since occupational physicians started to formulate evidence- based guidelines. For the first few years this was exclusively mono-disciplinary, later on we aligned with the guidelines of other medical professions. Since 2006 we also cooperate with other occupational healthcare professionals. The result is a wide range of guidelines covering diverse topics and aimed at target groups with varying compositions. This profusion is a blessing, but also a burden. For many occupational physicians the application of guidelines proves to be problematic. My standpoint is that for now we have to cease making new guidelines. Acquiring essential skills, such as the adequate selection and application of guidelines, and the explicit, motivated and substantiated divergence from them, should be a priority. Now, at the start of 2015, while new funds are made available by government, I argue for a moratorium on the development of new guidelines. We would do better to use these funds for learning to apply the guidelines. And, of course, for contemplation, for reflection on what guidelines we really need.