Although primary care settings represent strategic locations to address mental health disparity among Latinos in the USA, there has been strikingly little empirical work on risk processes for anxiety/depression among this population. The present investigation examined the interactive effects of subjective social status and mindful attention in relation to anxiety and depressive symptoms and disorders among a low-income Latino sample in primary care (N = 384; 86.7% female; 38.9 years [SD = 11.4]). Results provided empirical evidence of an interaction between subjective social status and mindful attention for depressive, social anxiety, and anxious arousal symptoms as well as anxiety/depressive disorders. Inspection of the significant interactions revealed that subjective social status was related to greater levels of depression/anxiety among persons with lower levels of mindful attention. Together, these data provide novel empirical evidence for the clinically relevant interplay between subjective social status and mindful attention regarding a relatively wide array of negative emotional states among Latino primary care patients.