Zen Teen: 40 Ways to Stay Calm When Life Gets Stressful, author Tanya Carroll Richardson delivers a self-help program for youth and adolescents. The focus is on mindfulness, which has migrated from being a part of eastern religions, to being a key component of such treatments as: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (Segal et al.
2018; Teasdale et al.
2000), Mindfulness-Based Stress-Reduction (Grossman et al.
2004; Kabat-Zinn
1990), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Hayes et al.
1999; Zhang et al.
2018), and Superhero Therapy (Fradkin
2018; Scarlet
2016). In
Zen Teen, the author defines mindfulness as: being in the moment, being tuned in to one’s thoughts, and having an acceptance of oneself and one’s emotions (Richardson
2018; p. xiv). Through this practice, the author hopes to help the reader find a refuge from the storm of adolescence. …