Evidence-based parenting programs have shown efficacy across a range of contexts, however, the cultural fit of a program can affect program engagement and participation. Ensuring the acceptability of programs and strategies is essential prior to wider dissemination. The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to assess the acceptability of Group Triple P with Brazilian parents. A cross-sectional design was used with a sample of convenience (n = 38 Brazilian parents) who had completed Triple P as a part of another study. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected from these parents in order to explore their perceptions of the program and its strategies. The quantitative outcomes revealed the participants found the strategies highly acceptable and highly useful and were moderately satisfied with the program. The most common barriers identified by parents to accessing the program were logistical (e.g., access to childcare, and competing work commitments) and emotional (e.g., shame for parents) rather than cultural barriers. A thematic analysis of qualitative responses revealed four major themes: recommendations for program implementation, cultural appropriateness, barriers to implementing Triple P and changes in parenting. Overall, the participants were very positive about Triple P and perceived the program to be consistent with the cultural values of Brazilian parents, however, some recommendations to improve cultural fit were noted.