To evaluate the psychometric properties and feasibility of using a Hebrew version of the SF-12 for community-dwelling elderly.
Four hundred and twenty-one people aged 70+ were interviewed in a longitudinal study, using the Barthel Index, GDS and SF-12.
Score distribution was satisfactory, with minimal missing data and item-to-item correlations were satisfactory. There were no floor and ceiling effects. Factor analysis yields the two-dimensional factors of physical and mental health and a third factor of physical role. Reliability of domain and the complete scores using the internal consistency method point to good internal consistency. Regarding construct validity of the scale, the mental health domain scores had a significant, negative relation with scores on the GDS and the physical health domain scores had a significant, positive relation with scores on the ADL scale and a significant, negative relation with scores on the IADL scale.
The Hebrew version of the SF-12 appears to be a practical instrument for use among the elderly population and the resulting health domains correlate highly with other measures of functional, physical, and mental health used for the elderly.