The Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ Family Impact Module (PedsQL™ FIM) is a health-related quality of life and family functioning questionnaire for parents of children with chronic conditions. The aim of this study was to develop the Croatian version of the PedsQL™ FIM and to evaluate its psychometric properties. The study included 212 parents of children with chronic gastrointestinal disorders (GID) and those of healthy children. All parents completed the PedsQL™ FIM, PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales (PedsQL), and World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF). The Croatian version of the PedsQL™ FIM was developed following strict procedures for the translation and cross-cultural adaptation process (i.e. forward translation, reconciliation, backward translation, and pre-testing). Psychometric analyses included testing internal consistency reliability (Cronbach’s coefficient) and aspects of construct validity (Spearman’s correlation coefficients, known-groups comparison method, and exploratory factor analysis—EFA). Cronbach’s α of 0.7 and above were found for all scales. Parents of healthy children reported significantly higher all PedsQL™ FIM scores than parents of children with GID. Correlations between the PedsQL™ FIM and WHOQOL-BREF scales ranged 0.07–0.56. The EFA found 6 factors to explain 73.79 % of the total variance. Finally, the PedsQL™ FIM correlated moderate to high (range 0.46–0.64) to all PedsQL™ scores. The measure is feasible, short, and easily scored. It has appropriate internal consistency reliability and acceptable construct validity. However, more studies about validity are needed that will include other children with chronic conditions considering that a questionnaire validation is an iterative process.