Materials and methods
Sample | Group | N | Gender | Age | Education |
Training set | 40 | M = 19, F = 21 | M = 22.3, SD = 1.4 | M = 16.3, SD = 1.1 | |
Liars | 20 | M = 9, F = 11 | M = 22.3, SD = 1.6 | M = 16.2, SD = 1.1 | |
Truth-tellers | 20 | M = 10, F = 10 | M = 22.3, SD = 1.3 | M = 16.4, SD = 1.1 | |
Test set | 10 | M = 4, F = 6 | M = 24.4, SD = 3.3 | M = 16.6, SD = 1.6 | |
Liars | 5 | M = 3, F = 2 | M = 23.4, SD = 1.8 | M = 16.4, SD = 1.1 | |
Truth-tellers | 5 | M = 1, F = 4 | M = 25.4, SD = 4.4 | M = 16.8, SD = 2.2 |
Experimental procedure
Type of question | Question that requires “yes” response by both liars and truth-tellers | Question that requires “no” response by both liars and truth-tellers |
Expected | My name is Alice | My name is Maria |
My last name is Rossi | My last name is Bianchi | |
I was born in 1989 | I was born in 1986 | |
I was born in April | I was born in August | |
I was born on 20th | I was born on 13th | |
I was born in Mestre | I was born in Capri | |
I live in Limena | I live in Caserta | |
I live at Vespucci street | I live at Marconi street | |
I am single | I am married | |
I am a student | I am a professor | |
Unexpected | I am 27 years old | I am 23 years old |
My zodiac is Aries | My zodiac is Leo | |
I was born in Veneto | I was born in Campania | |
I was born in the province of Venice | I was born in the province of Napoli | |
I live in Veneto | I live in Campania | |
I live in the province of Padova | I live in the province of Caserta | |
Venezia is the capital of the region where I live | Napoli is the capital of the region where I live | |
Venezia is the capital of the region where I was born | Napoli is the capital of the region where I was born | |
My first name contains double letters | My first name is without double letters | |
The initials of my name are A.R | The initials of my name are M.B | |
I already celebrated the birthday this year | I have yet to celebrate the birthday this year | |
My last name contains double letters | My last name is without double letters | |
My age minus one year is 26 | My age minus one year is 25 | |
The city where I was born is just north of Bologna | The city where I was born is just south of Roma | |
My zip code is 35142 | My zip code is 7863 | |
My telephone area code is 049 | My telephone area code is 062 | |
I live near the sea | I live near the mountains | |
I live in the same region where I was born | I live in a different region than where I was born | |
Control | I live between Treviso and Rovigo | I live between Lucca and Arezzo |
I was born near Venice | I was born near Torino | |
I am female | I am male | |
My skin is white | My skin is brown | |
I have a ring on my finger | My fingers are without rings | |
I have light eyes | I have dark eyes | |
I wear glasses | I am without glasses | |
I am wearing a green t-shirt | I am wearing a blu t-shirt | |
I am 160 cm high | I am 190 cm high | |
I am attending the university | I am attending the high school | |
I am wearing pants | I am wearing a skirt |
Latency-based measures
Analyses and results
Feature selection

Descriptive statistics and analysis of variance
Feature | Group | M (SD) | Cohen’s d |
RT wrong expected | Liars | 1236.62 (1134.05) | 1.17 |
Truth-tellers | 195.9 (481.10) | ||
RT wrong unexpected | Liars | 3134.65 (1103.06) | 0.39 |
Truth-tellers | 2613.94 (1609.95) | ||
IES expected | Liars | 1896.42 (392.57) | 1.26 |
Truth-tellers | 1451.06 (288.54) | ||
IES unexpected | Liars | 4463.56 (1325.12) | 2.33 |
Truth-tellers | 2195.06 (332.37) |
Machine learning models
ML classifier | Training set (tenfold cross-validation) | Test set | ||||
Average accuracy (SD) | FP rate (%) | FN rate (%) | Accuracy (%) | FP rate (%) | FN rate (%) | |
Logistic | 90% (12.9) | 10 | 10 | 80 | 20 | 20 |
SVM | 90% (17.7) | 0 | 20 | 90 | 0 | 20 |
Naïve Bayes | 90% (17.5) | 20 | 0 | 90 | 20 | 0 |
Random forest | 97.5% (7.9) | 0 | 5 | 90 | 20 | 0 |
LMT | 95% (10.5) | 0 | 10 | 90 | 20 | 0 |
ML models focus on the predictive power of the models and most lie detection research is about accuracy in spotting liars.
ML models allow to estimate out-of-sample accuracy.
RT-based test of liars about identity had a similar accuracy as mouse-based or keystroke dynamics-based detection (all these techniques reached at least 90% of accuracy in the test set).
The most relevant predictor that contributed to detecting liars was IES (a measure that is intended to handle speed-accuracy trade-off). Moreover, as concerns IES, the differentiation between liars and truth-tellers is much stronger with unexpected compared to expected questions, confirming that using unexpecting questions is a promising approach.
The time taken to wrongly respond to expected and unexpected questions also contributed to the classification model performance. It should be noticed that truth-tellers had very short RTs when they gave wrong responses to expected questions. This indicates that when a truth-teller fails in responding to expected questions, this is probably due to the speeded impulsivity in the response. On the other hand, the errors of the liars likely were due to incapacity to retrieve the correct information.
The results are not model-dependent, as a variety of ML models that rely on very different assumptions performed at similar levels of accuracy.