The Disablement in the Physically Active scale (DPA) is a generic patient-reported outcome designed to evaluate constructs of disability in physically active populations. The purpose of this study was to analyze the DPA scale structure for summary components.
Four hundred and fifty-six collegiate athletes completed a demographic form and the DPA. A principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted with oblique rotation. Factors with eigenvalues >1 that explained >5 % of the variance were retained.
The PCA revealed a two-factor structure consistent with paradigms used to develop the original DPA. Items 1–12 loaded on Factors 1 and Items 13–16 loaded on Factor 2. Items 1–12 pertain to impairment, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. Items 13–16 address psychosocial and emotional well-being. Consideration of item content suggested Factor 1 concerned physical function, while Factor 2 concerned mental well-being. Thus, items clustered around Factor 1 and 2 were identified as physical (DPA–PSC) and mental (DPA–MSC) summary components, respectively. Together, the factors accounted for 65.1 % of the variance.
The PCA revealed a two-factor structure for the DPA that resulted in DPA–PSC and DPA–MSC. Analyzing the DPA as separate constructs may provide distinct information that could help to prescribe treatment and rehabilitation strategies.