In this study, the impact of an online cognitive-behavioral group counselling program on anxiety, depression, stress, and resilience was examined among earthquake survivors who experienced the Turkey earthquake centered in Maraş on February 6, 2023. This study was conducted using 3 × 3 randomized controlled experimental design with three groups: online, face-to-face, and a wait-list control group. The study included 83 adult earthquake survivors. Data collection tools consisted of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) and the Brief Resilience Scale. The online group received an 8 sessions cognitive-behavioural group counselling program conducted online, while the face-to-face group received the same program in a face-to-face setting. After the post-test measurements, the wait-list control group also received the same program online. The research findings indicated that the groups receiving the cognitive-behavioral group counseling program, whether online or face-to-face, showed a decrease in anxiety, depression, and stress levels, as well as an increase in resilience levels compared to the wait-list group. After being included in the program, participants in the wait-list group also experienced a decrease in anxiety, depression, and stress levels, along with an increase in resilience levels. However, during the follow-up measurements, there were no significant differences found in anxiety, depression, stress, and resilience scores among the three groups. The research findings demonstrate that an online cognitive behavioral group counseling program is as effective as a face-to-face program in reducing anxiety, depression, and stress levels, and increasing resilience levels among earthquake survivors. These findings are significant in providing an alternative method for individuals who do not have access to face-to-face counseling programs.