The present study examined the factor structure, internal consistency and criterion validity of the Antisocial Process Screening Device-Self-Report (APSD-SR) in a large sample of Chinese community youth with an average age of 13.89 (SD = 1.27) years. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis supported a four factor solution (Impulsivity [IMP], Callous-Unemotional [CU], Narcissism [NAR], and Asocial behavior [ASO]). The internal consistencies of the APSD total scale and subscales were low to marginal, which were comparable with previous studies. Moreover, the APSD scores were related to criterion variables in ways consistent with predictions based on the new four-factor model. Our findings support the overall utility of the APSD-SR preliminarily for assessing antisocial behavior and psychopathic traits in Chinese community youth.