The construct of Parental Acceptance-Rejection (PAR) impacts a person’s mental health and well-being well into adulthood and has many adverse outcomes. Sexual orientation minorities are at particular risk for parental rejection. Sexual orientation minorities who experience parental rejection are at risk for substance use, internalized homophobia, and a disrupted sense of identity. Furthermore, regardless of PAR, the sexual orientation minority population already has an increased risk of mental health issues, notably higher personality psychopathology rates. However, no research has examined the role of PAR on personality psychopathology in sexual orientation minority populations. This study examined the association between PAR and personality psychopathology and impairment in a sample of 79 people whoself-identify as sexual minorities. Significant correlations were found between parental rejection and rates of pathological personality traits and impairment. Identity-related moderators were examined, and multiple interaction effects were identified. Implications and future directions are discussed.