Non-mainstream rock music preferences, like goth, are linked to psychological difficulties in adolescence and emerging adulthood. This study explored the persistence of these difficulties into adulthood, while considering gender moderation. From ages 15 to 22, 364 participants (59% female) annually indicated their preference for goth music. Their mental health and well-being were evaluated at age 30 and at ages 13–14 as a control. A latent class growth analysis on their goth preference revealed two trajectories: lower (non-fans; 77%) and higher (fans; 23%). Gender moderation analysis showed that only males on the higher trajectory reported lower well-being and poorer mental health at age 30. Male goth music fans, most likely attracted to this cultural expression of their difficulties, may face increased psychological challenges as adults due to societal gender norms and growing marginalization. This study indeed suggests that an extended affinity for goth music during adolescence and emerging adulthood indicates long-term psychological adjustment challenges among adult male fans.