The aim of this study was to report translation and transcultural adaptation of the 15-item Dispositional Resilience Scale in traditional Chinese (C-DRS-15) and evaluate its psychometric properties.
The DRS is a self-report instrument that measures psychological hardiness. We followed an international standard of cross-cultural translation and validation of patient-reported outcome measures to create the Chinese version. Then, the translated C-DRS-15 was validated on 542 Chinese women from a population-based sample in Hong Kong.
The internal consistency and criterion-related validity were investigated. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the C-DRS-15 was supported by a modified three-factor structure in our Chinese sample (RMSEA = .06, CFI = .94, TLI = .92, and SRMR = .06). The reliability (Cronbach’s α coefficient = .78) and validity were satisfactory. Total resilience score was negatively correlated with depression (p < .001), with non-depressed women scoring higher on the C-DRS-15.
The C-DRS-15 was demonstrated to be a reliable and valid measurement to assess hardiness in Chinese women.