This preliminary study examined the relationship between cigarette smoking and several environmental and psychological cues to smoke in college students who were lighter (2–8 cigarettes per day) and heavier (greater than 10 cigarettes per day) smokers. Nineteen lighter and 16 heavier smokers monitored their smoking behavior and certain smoking cues, and reported this information daily to an interactive voice response (IVR) system over a 13-day period. Results indicated the lighter smokers consumed a significantly greater proportion of cigarettes when drinking alcohol and during the evening hours compared to heavier smokers. No differences were found between groups on smoking in the presence of negative affect or coffee, although heavier smokers smoked a greater proportion of cigarettes when experiencing low energy positive affect (e.g., calm). If a replication of this study produces similar results, there could be implications for public policy, particularly the regulation of smoking in venues where alcohol is served.