People living with congestive heart failure (CHF) often experience increasing levels of depressive symptoms and declining quality of life with disease progression. Religiousness/spirituality (R/S) may mitigate these declines, but whether it does so above and beyond provision of social support has not been tested. 191 patients with CHF (64% male; Mage = 68.6 years) completed surveys at baseline and 6 months later. Four mental and physical outcomes were examined: depressive symptoms, positive states of mind, mental health-related quality of life, and physical health-related quality of life. Controlling for demographics and baseline health status, higher levels of spiritual peace and social support each uniquely predicted increased positive states of mind, only social support predicted improved physical health-related quality of life, neither spiritual peace nor social support predicted change in mental health-related quality of life, and only spiritual peace predicted reduced levels of depressive symptoms across 6 months. R/S may play an important role distinct from social support in promoting well-being in people with CHF. Future research should examine the efficacy of attending to patients’ R/S and developing interventions towards that end.