Juvenile offenders are costly to our society in terms of the monetary and social expenditures from the legal system, victims’ person costs, and incarceration. The re-entry and community reintegration outcomes for formerly incarcerated youth with a disabling condition are bleak compared to peers without disabilities. In this study, we examined the factors––both static and intervention-related––that reduce recidivism rates for project participants possessing a mental health and/or special education diagnosis and were served by a facility-to-community re-entry intervention. Our sample was comprised of a total of 320 youth formerly incarcerated who received project services between August of 1999 through June of 2004. Project services include a transition specialist whose role is service coordination to youth from the facility to the community. Kaplan–Meier survival functions were calculated for participants on the outcome measure of the rates of recidivism. Additionally, Cox regression modeling was used to identify factors for the prediction of time to recidivate. Our findings indicate that the intervention may contribute to reduced recidivism rates but that a set of static demographic and pre-incarceration risks contribute more to the prediction of recidivism than community adjustment factors (e.g., employment or enrollment). With these findings, the intervention seems promising yet it remains unclear about which programmatic features contribute to reduced recidivism rates. Implications for research and practice are shared.