Copy-number variants (CNVs) are associated with susceptibility to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). To detect the presence of CNVs, we conducted an array-comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) analysis in 133 children with “essential” ASD phenotype. Genetic analyses documented that 12 children had causative CNVs (C-CNVs), 29 children had non-causative CNVs (NC-CNVs) and 92 children without CNVs (W-CNVs). Results on clinical evaluation showed no differences in cognitive abilities among the three groups, and a higher number of ASD symptoms and of non-verbal children in the C-CNVs group compared to the W-CNVs and NC-CNVs groups. Our results highlighted the importance of the array-CGH analyses and showed that the presence of specific CNVs may differentiate clinical outputs in children with ASD.