Evidence is lacking for trait mindfulness as a longitudinal protective factor following bereavement and other stressful life events. This study aimed to determine whether trait mindfulness predicted better mental health adjustment (i.e., decreased distress and greater positive states of mind) in young adults following the recent loss of a loved one. This study also examined cognitive (e.g., intrusive and deliberate thoughts) and somatic (e.g., sleep disturbance) processes as possible underlying mechanisms linking trait mindfulness to mental health consequent to bereavement.
Recently-bereaved undergraduate students (n = 117) completed questionnaires evaluating multifaceted aspects of mental health adjustment following their loss at three time points (T1: baseline, T2: 3 weeks, T3: 6 weeks).
Trait mindfulness significantly predicted reduced distress symptoms (i.e., anxiety, depression, and stress) and increased positive states of mind over time. Trait mindfulness significantly impacted mental health following loss indirectly through its effect on sleep disturbance, but it had no significant indirect effects through intrusive or deliberate thoughts.
Trait mindfulness may be a key protective factor for young adults who experience highly stressful events. Findings underscore the importance of sleep disturbance as a critical factor linking trait mindfulness and mental health adjustment consequent to bereavement. This study contributes to our understanding of risk and resilience factors following loss, which can also inform targeted mindfulness-based interventions as well as future studies to eventually establish causal pathways between trait mindfulness and mental health consequent to bereavement.
This study was not preregistered.