Early maladaptive schemas (EMSs) are thought to act as templates for information processing which influence individuals’ emotional reactions to life situations and their styles of interpersonal relating. The association between EMSs and psychopathology is also believed to be mediated by the use of maladaptive compensatory coping and deficits in adaptive coping (e.g., avoidance, surrender). As styles of coping, humor may be such a mediator. This study examined correlations between domains of the Young Schema Questionnaire-Short form and subscales of the Humor Styles Questionnaire. A number of EMS domains were associated with reduced use of adaptive affiliative and self-enhancing humor styles and increased use of maladaptive self-defeating humor. In addition, the maladaptive aggressive style of humor was associated with the EMS involving insufficient self-control. The relationship between most EMS domains and depressed mood was mediated by both self-enhancing and self-defeating humor styles.