In a sample of 187 adolescent–parent pairs the relationships between parent behavior and adolescents’ self-reported perfectionistic tendencies (i.e., concerns over mistakes, doubts about actions and personal standards) and self-beliefs (i.e., self-esteem, contingent self-worth and labile self-esteem) were explored. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that adolescents’ tendency to doubt their actions was positively predicted by maternal self-reported psychological control and negatively predicted by adolescents’ perceptions of maternal involvement in their lives. A three-way interaction between paternal behavioral control, psychological control and acceptance positively predicted adolescents’ tendency to doubt their actions and their self-esteem. In addition, adolescents’ perceptions of paternal autonomy and involvement showed a negative association with their self-reported doubts about actions and concerns over mistakes respectively. This study provides support for the methodological value of examining both independent and interactive effects of both child and parent reports of parenting behavior.