Over the past 15 years endovascular treatment of native aortic coarctation (COA) and recurrent COA (reCOA) has gained widespread acceptance in older children and adolescents. In analogy of coronary angioplasty, there has been a shift in the interventional treatment of COA from balloon angioplasty to balloon expandable intravascular stent placement.
3-11 Although the acute haemodynamic improvements are well known, there are concerns about aortic rupture, especially in patients with native COA. In the longer term, pseudoaneurysm formation and reCOA may occur.
12,13 In our institution stent implantation for COA was started in 2003. This prospective, single-centre, observational study reports the acute and intermediate results in adult patients who underwent endovascular stent placement for both native COA and reCOA. …