Mindfulness has been proposed as a potential intervention for eating disorders (EDs). However, a better understanding of the relationships between state mindfulness and restrictive ED symptoms for those with anorexia nervosa and atypical anorexia nervosa (AN-spectrum) is needed to design effective mindfulness-based interventions. Additionally, individualized longitudinal modeling of state mindfulness and ED behaviors could inform development of personalized mindfulness-based interventions for those with AN-spectrum disorders.
Participants (n = 18; 784 data points per participant; 14,112 data points) with AN-spectrum disorders completed four daily ecological momentary assessments of ED behaviors, nonjudgment, acceptance, and present-moment awareness for 14 days. Contemporaneous and temporal group-level and idiographic (i.e., one-person, individual) networks were calculated to identify associations among mindfulness variables and ED behaviors.
In contemporaneous networks (i.e., within a single timepoint), present-moment awareness was negatively associated with eating small meals but positively associated with avoiding foods due to anxiety. Acceptance was positively associated with eating small meals. In temporal networks, nonjudgment was negatively associated with following eating rules and avoiding foods due to anxiety, whereas acceptance negatively predicted restriction prospectively. Idiographic networks were heterogenous; state mindfulness facets demonstrated positive and negative associations with ED behaviors depending on the individual.
At the group level, state mindfulness tends to relate to lower engagement in restrictive ED behaviors over time. High heterogeneity in individual networks illustrates the need for personalized assessment of relationships between state mindfulness and ED behaviors. These types of methodologies can lead to the development of personalized mindfulness-based interventions for those with AN-spectrum disorders.
This study is not preregistered.