The Guild et al. (
in press) study makes a significant addition to the literature documenting the long-term beneficial impact of Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) on child and maternal outcomes in dyads at risk for or manifesting mental health problems. The study selection of a sample of mothers with depression and their toddlers is noteworthy both clinically and from an epidemiological perspective. As the authors of the study note, major depression disorder (MDD) has been identified as the most frequent cause of women’s disease-related disability, with a high prevalence among mothers of children in the first four years of life (World Health Organization,
2008; Ertel et al.,
2011). The negative consequences for quality of maternal caregiving and child wellbeing are well documented, with a plethora of studies consistently showing that women with depression are less engaged, sensitive and responsive with their young children and that their children in turn show a range of suboptimal outcomes that include lower cognitive functioning, impaired affect regulation, and more symptoms of psychopathology (see Goodman et al.,
2011). …