We examined coping with risky behaviors (cigarettes, alcohol/drugs, yelling/ hitting, and anger), familism (family proximity and parental closeness) and parental monitoring (knowledge and discipline) in a sample of 56 adolescents (11–15 years old) predominantly of Mexican descent at two time points. Multiple linear regression analysis indicated that more time spent with family (proximity) at Time 1 significantly predicts higher parental monitoring at Time two. Coping with more risky behaviors at Time 1 was significantly associated with less parental monitoring at Time 2. More parental closeness Time 1, more parental monitoring Time 1, and more parental monitoring Time 2 were associated with less coping with risky behaviors at Time 2. The cultural value of familism, particularly spending time with family in positive activities, appears to increase parental monitoring which may lead to less coping with risky behaviors among Mexican descent adolescents. Future studies may investigate gendered mechanisms for how extended family may increase not only parental knowledge of youth activities, but also youth perception of supervision.