Technology-based interventions have the potential to drastically increase the reach of efficacious treatments for psychiatric disorders by overcoming common barriers to treatment such as cost, accessibility, and convenience. One such treatment, the Cognitive Anxiety Sensitivity Treatment (CAST), has demonstrated efficacy in the treatment of anxiety and mood pathology. The current study explored the reach, acceptability, and efficacy of CAST delivered for free online using Craigslist as an advertising platform. Participants (N = 103) accessed the treatment through a Craigslist advertisement posted in the “Community” page, under the “Volunteer” category. Results revealed that this strategy was effective in reaching individuals with significant self-reported anxiety and mood symptoms, those who report not currently receiving mental health treatment, and those in areas with likely lower access to mental health resources, though the overall response rate was disappointing. Further, results demonstrate high levels of participant rated acceptability and efficacy in the reduction of psychiatric symptoms and impairment. These results suggest that CAST can be delivered effectively over the Internet and that Craigslist is a viable option to reach individuals in need of treatment. Future work should examine how to increase the number of participants who access the online intervention.