This paper describes a large-scale administration of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) pediatric items to evaluate measurement characteristics.
Each child completed one of seven test forms containing items from a pool of 293 PROMIS items and four legacy scales. PROMIS items covered six domains (physical function, emotional distress, social role relationship, fatigue, pain, and asthma).
From January 2007 to May 2008, 4,129 children aged 8–17 were enrolled. The sample was 51% female, 55% aged 8–12, 42% minority race and 17% were Hispanic ethnicity. Approximately, 35% of the children participating in the survey consulted a clinician for a chronic illness diagnosis or treatment within 6 months prior to study enrollment.
The final PROMIS pediatric item banks include physical function (n = 52 items), emotional distress (n = 35 items), social role relationships (n = 15 items), fatigue (n = 34 items), pain (n = 13 items), and asthma (n = 17 items). The initial calibration data were provided by a diverse set of children with varying health states (e.g., children with a variety of common chronic illnesses) and racial/ethnic backgrounds.