Sensory Awareness Mindfulness Training is a new set of skills to help clients approach a better life/work equilibrium by balancing cognitive and emotional brain activities. This is achieved through regular connection with one’s senses and focusing non-judgementally on the ‘here and now’ experience of life. The exercises are neither difficult to teach nor to learn; it is, however, necessary for the practitioner and student to enter into a regular routine of implementation for change to occur. Mindfulness is, in a nutshell, a way of being, a new life-style. Research shows that mindfulness interventions have resulted in significant improvements in a range of conditions such as anxiety, depression, stress disorders, chronic pain, psoriasis and relapse prevention, to mention but a few. This article gives a brief overview of using mindfulness interventions in the arena of coaching. It also focuses and describes one small pilot project where Sensory Awareness Mindfulness Training is applied and evaluated.