In early adolescence, developmental tasks lead boys and girls to oscillate between the search for and the fear of solitude, between feelings of loneliness and the need for peer contact. Adopting a multidimensional and person-centred approach, the aim of the present study was to distinguish different clusters related to profiles of solitude attitudes and loneliness and to evaluate the role of relational and socio-demographic variables as predictors of cluster belonging.
Measures of loneliness, attitudes towards aloneness, friendship quality, self-esteem and rejection sensitivity were collected in a population of 656 Italian native and immigrant early adolescents.
Three clusters emerged, differently predicted by relational and socio-demographic variables. An adaptive and normative profile was found for the Aversion to aloneness and the constructive solitude clusters, while a more maladaptive profile emerged for the non-constructive solitude cluster.
The results are discussed in the light of the developmental challenges that early adolescents face.