The movements of phonation structures (e.g., tongue) have been shown to facilitate compatible hand movements. For example, reaction time (RT) of precision and power hand grips (made with tips of thumb and finger vs. whole hand) are shortened with the production of syllables that share similar action features (e.g., employing the proximal vs. dorsal portion of the tongue, respectively). This effect is coined the articulation-grip correspondence (AGC) effect. However, it is not known if the AGC effect is due to action facilitation vs. interference, and if such facilitation/ interference is due to covertly or overtly reading the syllable. To answer the associated empirical questions, the present experiment involved participants initiating a precision or power grip without the covert/ overt reading of a syllable, or while covertly or overtly reading the syllable /ti/ or /ka/. In both the covert and overt reading conditions, there were longer RTs for precision grips with the syllable /ka/ than /ti/, and there were longer RTs for power grips with the syllable /ti/. In contrast, the syllable /ti/ or /ka/ did not alter precision or power grip RTs, respectively. These findings support the notion of articulation-grip interference but not facilitation and that such interference can be observed with covert (silent) reading.