Disruptive behaviors (DBs) are common in children with autism, affecting child and family quality of life. Parent-mediated interventions (PMIs) are a cost-effective and accessible way to decrease DBs. COVID-19 increased need for telehealth interventions. This study explored a group delivery of an evidence-based PMI (RUBI), delivered face-to-face and virtually in Israel, before and during the pandemic. Fifty-five families of children with autism and DB participated, 24 receiving face-to-face intervention and 31 receiving virtual. Outcome measures included the Aberrant Behavior Checklist and Home Situations Questionnaires. Results indicate reduction of DBs across groups, with > 50% of treatment-responders showing reliable change. This study is the first to assess RUBI outside the US among a sociodemographically diverse population, in both in-person and virtual contexts.