Social support plays an important role in the flourishing of the adolescents. However, little is known about the roles of self-compassion and sense of coherence in this relationship. The main objective of the current study was to examine the associations between social support and flourishing, through serial mediation analysis that included self-compassion and sense of coherence. The participants consisted of 416 adolescents (Mage= 15.29, SD = 1.39). The study data were collected using the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, the Sense of Coherence Scale, the Self-Compassion Scale for Youth, and the Flourishing Scale. The results revealed a positive correlation between social support, self-compassion, sense of coherence, and flourishing. In addition, the serial mediating role of self-compassion and sense of coherence between social support and flourishing was accepted. Bootstrap analysis confirmed that the direct and indirect effects were significant. The study findings put forth that social support increases flourishing through self-compassion and sense of coherence.