Narcissistic perfectionism, which is associated with such characteristics as demanding behaviors, criticism of others and grandiosity, has been conceptualized as the interpersonal dimension of perfectionism. While the relatively recent conceptualization of narcissistic perfectionism as a multidimensional construct has led to a wealth of studies of its relationships with interpersonal problems, the associations of the construct with internal psychological distress have been neglected. The present study investigates the effect of narcissistic perfectionism on psychological distress and the mechanisms by which this effect is strengthened. A total of 400 adults (Mage= 25.06, SD = 7.71) completed an online survey including scales measuring narcissistic perfectionism, self-compassion, intolerance of uncertainty and psychological distress. The results revealed a significant correlation between narcissistic perfectionism, self-compassion, intolerance of uncertainty and psychological distress. Furthermore, an applied serial mediation model was statistically significant, revealing that individuals with a high level of narcissistic perfectionism tend to show no compassion for themselves, further increasing the intolerance of uncertainty and psychological distress. The present study can be considered essential in its clarification of the mechanisms that predispose narcissistic perfectionists to psychological distress, and in its discussion of the findings within the scope of literature.